News Feed Editorials Mission

News Feed Mission Editorials

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Our Mission

The past two decades of conservative media are littered with failure after failure. “Conservative Inc.” and its cohorts have proven impotent at best and downright subversive at worst.

Organizations like Fox News, Daily Wire, Wall Street Journal, etc. find themselves constantly responding to the narratives of leftwing media. It’s a common problem for our “conservative” leaders who fail to conserve anything — always responding to the left, never creating narratives of their own. By participating in a fake dialectic created by Democrat operatives, they are complicit in the collapse of the great American empire.

What is the alternative?

The alternative is to stand FOR something and to create narratives centered around America First ideas. That hasn’t happened because none of the aforementioned media organizations are explicitly and unabashedly America First. AF Post is. None of the aforementioned media organizations are run exclusively by Christians. AF Post is. None of the aforementioned media organizations are grassroots. AF Post is.

With Trump’s victory in 2016, the Republican Party saw the promising sprouts of a new beginning: an authentic nationalist vision for the country. Yet the establishment of old camouflaged its rhetoric in the veil of nationalism while propping up the same tired talking points. There is no shortage of politicians and pundits who pay lip service to putting America First. Few are willing to truly sacrifice and do the work.

This, then, explains our mission at AF Post:

To articulate the ideas, beliefs, and values of the America First Movement. By informing and educating, we shall sow the seeds of a new conservative movement - because America First is the future of the American Right.